PanzerNews - 1.20.1: trzeci test publiczny już tu jest!

1.20.1: trzeci test publiczny już tu jest!

Rozpoczęła się trzecia runda testów przed aktualizacją 1.20.1. 

Zapoznajcie się z poniższą listą nadchodzących zmian oraz tych z poprzednich publikacji: TP 1 i TP 2. Prosimy Was o dalsze dzielenie się uwagami i sugestiami na forum.

Jak dołączyć do Testu publicznego

Aby wziąć udział, potrzebujecie Game Center (WGC), klienta najnowszego testu publicznego oraz konta utworzonego przed zamknięciem zapisów (patrz poniżej).

Kwalifikacje W teście mogą uczestniczyć wszystkie konta utworzone przed 13 marca, 22:59 CET.

Pobierzcie i zainstalujcie klienta gry


  • Uruchomcie instalator klienta.
  • Wybierzcie inny folder dla instalacji niż ten, w którym znajdują się pliki związane ze standardową grą World of Tanks.
  • Wybierzcie nowo zainstalowanego klienta testu z rozwijanego menu w górnej części WGC.
  • Wjeżdżajcie do bitwy i pamiętajcie, by podzielić się wrażeniami!

Więcej szczegółów o WGC znajdziecie w poświęconym Game Center przewodniku.

Pierwszy raz na testach?

Zapoznajcie się z tym przydatnym przewodnikiem, w którym znajdziecie wszystkie szczegóły dotyczące testów publicznych, Piaskownicy i supertestów.


Main Changes

Crew Perks

All new perks have been removed:

  • Practicality
  • Concentration
  • Quick Aiming
  • Engineer
  • Guerrilla
  • Close Combat
  • Shell Tuning
  • Jamming

All existing perks regained their original names.

The new effects of the existing perks have been removed. The existing effects have been reset to their initial values. Exceptions:

  • Mentor: The Commander's bonus has been kept.
  • Sound Detection: The principle that reduced the alert delay (in the process of training the perk) has been kept.

Firefighting is a group perk again.

The Intuition perk takes into account the average value for all Loaders again. For other perks, the highest value among duplicated ones is used.

The distribution of the Retraining Orders is canceled.

The number of promo screens for the mechanics has been decreased.

WoT Plus

WoT Plus subscribers will not be able to demount improved equipment for free.


The number of available pings on the minimap has been reduced for solo and Platoon players.

Role Skills have been reworked:

One for All

  • The bonus to the major qualification level for each allied vehicle in other roles in battle has been decreased from 4/7.5/11% to 3/6.5/10%.


  • The skill duration has been decreased from 20 to 15 seconds.
  • The maximum distance for causing damage and resetting the skill duration timer has been decreased from 200 to 150 m.

Note: Values and various characteristics that are relevant for the Common Test are subject to change after their release on the live servers.

Map Changes


  • The possibility to drive into a non-playable area in square E3 has been removed.

Fixed Issues and Improvements

Fixed the issue of the missing unlock animation for the Improved Rewards Track when purchasing the Improved Pass.

Fixed the issue of the Destroy option for equipment remaining available with an activated WoT Plus subscription.

The attached element of the Jupiter Fulgur 3D style on the Super Conqueror's gun has been centered.

Fixed the issue of the reticle indicator not matching the gun axis for the Kunze Panzer tank.

Fixed the issue of mounted equipment items sometimes being unable to be swapped in the equipment window of the vehicle.

Fixed the issues of the visual object models not matching their damage models on some maps.

Fixed the issue of the window with a crew member retrain recommendation being displayed when hovering over a crew member in the special TS-54 vehicle.

Fixed the issue of vehicles being spotted for no reason on the Fisherman's Bay map in some cases.

Fixed the issue of the text about doubled XP for the first victory being displayed twice in the tooltip of the special TS-54 vehicle.

The vehicle names that go beyond the minimap are now displayed within its borders only upon pressing Alt.

Fixed some UI issues.

Fixed some localization issues.

Dołączcie do testu publicznego i wypatrujcie dalszych informacji!

ź: WoT

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