PanzerNews - Aukcja: serwer azjatycki, dzień 4

Aukcja: serwer azjatycki, dzień 4

Czwarta  oferta: FV215b (183).
Minimalna oferta: 175 000 wolnych PD Ilość: 2 000 sztuk

Have you checked out the Auction yet? It is your chance to get new and exclusive high-tier vehicles. A new lot becomes available daily from February 15 to February 19, allowing you to outbid the competition for exceptional offers.


FV215b (183)

The parameters displayed are valid for the vehicle with each crew member trained to 100% major qualification level. Some vehicle characteristics can be further improved with the Commander's bonus to major qualification level, crew perks, and skills, as well as special in-game items. ź: WoT Asia

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Meet our fourth item: The XFV215b (183)  isn't nicknamed the "death star" for nothing.

How did a cruiser end up in the middle of a field? This massive tank destroyer shares its devastating 183 mm gun—fit for a warship—with the more mobile FV4005, but respectable turret armor gives the FV215b (183) more of that “naval” feel. The cannon is slow to turn and to aim, but when you manage to hit an opponent, the result is spectacular. Even when you miss, you still can savor the fact that you are wielding so much firepower that it’s almost illegal.

Let's take a look at this bad boy and get ready to bid!


Single-shot damage is the vehicle's most important feature. The FV215b (183) tears off an average 1,150 HP with 310/230/92 mm penetration and can destroy high-tier medium tanks and even some heavy vehicles with a single hit. Of the available ammunition types, HESH rounds are the most effective and deal enormous damage. Getting the one-shot kill isn't guaranteed, but you can also severely cripple enemies.

But this fantastic alpha damage and 2,300 DPM comes with complications and disadvantages—low accuracy, long aim time, fire rate of two shells per minute, and a turret that can't turn more than 90 degrees.


The FV215b (183) is hardly a front-line bruiser, and players have two options: Shoot from a distance and hide or never operate alone. The well-armored front turret (254/178/32 mm) and hull (152/50/76 mm) offer some protection, but nothing that holds up for long in a trading-shells duel. Stay out of sight, pick your target, and patiently wait for the right moment to fire. Don't discount the FV215b (183)'s fear effect! Even if multiple enemies are around a corner from your position, they may hesitate to attack and not want to take a fatal round. The cannon's terrifying distinctive boom when firing also puts enemies on edge.


As expected, the vehicle's sheer size results in sluggish mobility. With a top speed of 34 km/h, a slow hull and turret traverse speed the FV215b (183) is a sitting duck if caught in the open, as faster vehicles can use circle-strafe fire, prey on your weak spots, and chew through your 2,000 HP pool in short order.


Check out the setup below to ensure the maximum performance of your tank.
RECOMMENDED SETUP Gun Rammer Improved Ventilation Improved Aiming
ALTERNATIVE SETUP Gun Rammer Improved Aiming Turbocharger

Crew Skills

COMMANDER / RADIO OPERATOR Brothers in Arms Situational Awareness Concealment
GUNNER Brothers in Arms Snap Shot Concealment
DRIVER Brothers in Arms Smooth Ride Concealment
LOADER Brothers in Arms Intuition Concealment
LOADER Brothers in Arms Intuition Concealment

How to Get the Vehicles


The British Tier X tank destroyer is available for a single day only as part of the Auction event!

Enter the Auction through the dedicated page in the in-game Store and place your bid. Lots are put on an open auction, meaning you will see the number of bids made. Once the number of bids exceeds the number of available items, competitive bidding begins. Each lot has a designated in-game currency—credits or Free XP—in which your bids will be accepted.

Make sure to check back daily while the current lot is active, so you don’t miss out on epic offers!

ź: WoT Asia
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