PanzerNews - Piaskownica 2021: Załoga 2.0 - reakcje i komentarze

Piaskownica 2021: Załoga 2.0 - reakcje i komentarze

Ze względu na krótkotrwały charakter testów w piaskownicy i ilość czasu niezbędną do przetworzenia imponującej ilości opinii i reakcji, zapewnienie tłumaczeń artykułu nie było w tej chwili możliwe. Niemniej jednak czuliśmy się zobowiązani do jak najszybszego podzielenia się wynikami. Na razie możecie sprawdzić wersję angielską, a my ciężko pracujemy, aby dostarczyć artykuł w Waszym języku.


Testing of Crew 2.0 on Sandbox is now complete, and once again, we thank you for your active participation in the development of World of Tanks. 

We received a lot of questions, comments, and suggestions from the players, clearly, the proposed concept did not leave anyone indifferent. 

It is now obvious to us that Crew 2.0 requires further improvements. Therefore, the main changes that we proposed in the current Sandbox will not be released in this form. Wnow need more time to keep working on them before we have a new version we are ready to present to you. 

Preliminary Results

The preliminary survey results and direct feedback revealed that the proposed changes did not receive the approval we were expecting from the community. Many players pointed out the need for significant changes and improvements to Crew 2.0. Some of the players agree with the idea of changing the crew, but they still have several concerns regarding the proposed version. Parts of the player base did not like the concept at all, and their feedback largely points to the same concerns as mentioned before. 

Main Discussion Topics

We studied your feedback and highlighted the most discussed points: 

  • Experience of “0-skill is not taken into account in the conversion 
  • No bonus to crew qualifications for a fully trained commander 
  • Randomness in the choice of instructor skills 
  • Effectiveness of different skills in new and old systems 
  • Unnecessary crews remaining from the old system. 

What’s next?

We are now processing all the data collected in the Sandbox. We will go over it in detail, and then try to develop solutions that will address concerns and bring satisfaction for all types of players. Depending on the results of this work, we will decide on a possible second iteration of testing Crew 2.0 on the Sandbox server. We will keep you informed of all the details. 

Once again, thank you for participating in the life of the game – it's your feedback and suggestions that help us work out various ideas and ultimately make World of Tanks better. 

ź: WoT
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